

Install the bluetooth software as a service together with various other pre-requisites: It should display something similar to this:īus 006 Device 002: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)Ģ. Ensure that your bluetooth receiver (dongle or built in) is listed when you run lsusb. Note: these instructions were written in July 2015 and tested on Mythbuntu 12.04 and Mythbuntu 14.04ġ. After that the button presses act practically instantaneously. After the connection has been dropped, the first time a user presses a button on the remote control the connection needs to be re-established, which takes a second or so.


The software described below will disconnect after a configurable inactivity timeout expires (say 10 minutes) in order to preserve the remote control battery life. In case anyone is interested, the power consumption of the newer Sony PS3 remote controls is about 14 mA when there is a bluetooth connection in place, and 0.05 mA when in standby the power consumption of the older Sony PS3 remote controls is about 14 mA when connected and 0.12 mA when in standby. The newer PS3 remote controls appear to lose their pairing data if you change/remove their batteries, so it's necessary to re-run part of the pairing process after a battery change. The PS3 Bluetooth remote control can be put into a 'pairable' state by pressing the START and ENTER buttons on it simultaneously for about five seconds on the newer PS3 remote control the 'PS3' light will start flashing at this point. The newer ones look like this one on : - they are slightly longer, take two AAA batteries, and have a row of lights to show which device is being controlled (PS3/AMP/TV). The older ones look like the picture above and take two AA batteries. There are two different Sony PS3 remote controls around, and they appear to require different processes to get them working. 3.4 Linux MythTV Networked Bluetooth Remote.3 Other Linux resources (may be out of date).2.1 Alternative mapping for Play button (and for other control-key combinations).
